Incito Schools has specific goals in the areas of nutrition promotion, nutrition education, and physical activity to encourage all learners to have a well rounded understanding of nutrition and physical health. Incito Schools values health and nutrition and has dedicated time and resources outlined below to ensure each learner is afforded a comprehensive understanding of both.
Nutrition Promotion
Incito encourages participation in the National School Lunch Program to ensure learners are receiving a well rounded and balanced meal.
School meal programs and monthly menus are posted on the Incito Schools website, announced each morning, and printed to make a hard copy available to each learner.
Incito encourages families to apply for free and reduced lunch by promoting during enrollment, school website, and social media.
Incito gives learners ample time in the morning to receive and eat breakfast before going to class.
Nutrition Education
Incito’s nutrition education teaches behavior-focused skills in each grade level K-8
Nutrition education is offered as a part of sequential, comprehensive standards-based health education curriculum.
Nutrition education is taught through other subjects such as math, science, language arts, social sciences and electives.
After school programs such as run club and electives such as cooking support a well rounded understanding of nutrition.
Physical Activity
Physical activity is available via physical education class for 40 each full day and 25 minutes each early release day.
K-4 receives two 20 minute break break sessions each full day and one 20 minute session each early release day.
5-8 graders receive a 20 minute brain break on full and early release days.
Incito provides its educators with and support staff with a list of alternative disciplinary ideas for learners.
Incito Schools ensures that their grounds and facilities are safe and that equipment is available to all learners to be active.
Each learner has the opportunity to participate in physical activity after school such as run club, cheer club, and stretch learning.
Physical education educators participate in professional development several times a year via conferences and one on one meetings with the principal.
Physical education can not be substituted for any other class.
Educators and support staff model what it mean to be physically active.
Educators incorporate movement and kinesthetic learning approaches into “core” subject instruction when possible to reduce sedentary behavior during the day.
Several events are held yearly such as the turkey trot, moveathon, and field day to promote and encourage physical activity.
Nutrition Guidelines
All foods and beverages made available on school campus serving k-8 grades during normal school days are to be consistent with Arizona Nutrition Standards.
Reimbursable School Meals shall not be less restrictive than regulations and guidance by the Secretary of Agriculture pursuant to law.
Incito’s LWP Committee will create procedures that address all foods of minimal nutritional value and competitive food sales.
In keeping with Incito’s Nutrition Goals, only food prepared by or obtained from Incito’s current food catering program shall be served.
Approval will be required by the NSLP Coordinator if any foods are brought in for School Celebrations ( Birthdays, Holiday parties, Incentives).
Any outside foods will be required to be from grocery or food services stores or other commercial kitchens that are certified with the county of Maricopa.
Incito will encourage healthy foods with lower sugar, lower fat, lower saturated fats and sodium to keep with Incito’s Nutritional Goals.
Any foods sold to learners for ( Fundraising activities) will follow USDA Smart Snack guidelines.
Other School Based Activities
Several events are held yearly such as the turkey trot, moveathon, and field day to promote and encourage physical activity.
After-School activities ( I-Time) is 8 weeks of Physical activity ( Run Club, Cheer, Dance, Yoga, BasketBall )
Incito encourages after school programs to promote healthy physical activities.